Malayalam Story podcast | The Malayali- Malayalam Podcast | My Story
Podcasting in Malayalam is growing nowadays.
My nickname is “Krish” reside in Ernakulam, Kerala. I made our Malayalam podcasting channels to connect Malayali’s who living around the globe and connect all of you through the “The Malayali ” Malayalam Podcast channel. Being a podcaster, I would like to bring a wide range of topics, for instance, technology, books, science and research, life stories, history, and many more, as your suggestions.
“We should be proud of ourselves being Malayali and show our unique qualities.”
Cheers for Mankind and a better future
Note: You can catch me via my email ID
- Malayalam podcasting is growing and Usually, on our Malayalam podcast channel, we do a different variety of topics that are usual for people. This was a try from our side, I narrate a Malayalam story, which was written by my self. I split the story into 5 parts. Y Have a look and give your feedback. We are planning to do the second season of the story next year Let’s hope for the best.
Spotify link